Cartoons are very popular with kids so it is not surprising I get asked to do a lot of illustrations and workshops for children. Sometimes these have a serious purpose, despite the fun approach.
One such project was with Windermere Reflections, the environmental charity based in Cumbria. They wanted to develop a series of characters to help explain how to protect the lake and environs around Windermere, England's biggest lake. Using an innovative approach, they had a competition to design the characters. I helped picked the winning entries from schools all over South Lakeland. I then went into the schools to run workshops in which we developed the characters further.
These characters have now appeared in booklets, slide shows and as Scratch animations which the children can animate for themselves.
This week I finished the most recent part of the project, illustrating a set of stories which will be shown in schools as slide presentations. Here are a few examples.
Lauren and Einstein, her teddy bear. Note the umbrella - it enables time travel, thereby trumping both Gene Kelly and Doctor Who.
Muddy Merv is a fantastic hit with the kids, possibly due to his resemblance to something unsavoury.
This is what th Windermere Reflections campaign is trying to prevent
And here's the result after all their hard work!
P.S. Windermere Reflections are responsible for this infuriatingly catchy song and video. Watch out for some of the cartoon characters in the video.