Today sees the publication of the Leveson report into press misbehaviour.
Fortunately, the Inquiry’s attention is directed at the national papers. In the regional press, naughty activities are much less prevalent.
At the Westmorland Gazette, our idea of a successful hacking operation is getting the editorial photocopier to work. Our biggest local celebrity is historian Roger Bingham and no one’s sure if he even has a mobile phone. And the only ones likely to be papped by our photographers are the sheep.
Stories here can be just as exciting but our methods for getting them are less questionable.
So what are the headlines this week which drew the attention of the Gazette’s cartoonist?
Anti-nuclear campaigners are encouraged/discouraged/livid/deranged (delete whichever apply) by a local council leader claiming that using Cumbria as a nuclear waste dump will damage it's brand image.
Floods have swept the area after a bit of rain.
And the council have given in to people who find it too difficult to type their car registration into the new parking machines.
Below are the ideas I submitted to my steamed editor. Which would you have chosen?
Vote in the comment box and then paddle over to my website to see if you were correct.